Wednesday, June 3, 2009


A teacher, a doctor and a lawyer, these are the three professionals who work to serve the society. Their professions are mainly concerned with the wellbeing of the public at large. They take an oath to serve the people in every way possible.

A teacher educates children with a view that the kids grow up into good individuals and have a good future. They are taught in such a fashion in which the basic human values are implanted in their character. All of which leads to a better tomorrow.

A doctor takes care of the sick people. His only job is to ensure that each and every person he treats should be cured and become a healthy person. Hence help his patients to maintain good health.

A lawyer works heard to get justice for his clients. In the process prevents offenders to disturb the public tranquillity.

What is worth noticing is that each one of us has the qualities of all the above three within ourselves to a certain extent.

We teach ourselves everyday, we take precautionary measures in our daily routine so that we stay healthy and when needed we fight for our rights.

Every individual tries to take lessons for his or others experience. That’s self learning. It’s a fact that a man never stops growing. And in daily life, we are our own teacher.

People take measures to stay healthy. Not always I find people running to the doctors for every small thing. The first few things that almost every person does for any health problems are trying on some of the conventional methods. In other words, many at times we are our own doctor.

And in most circumstances we are our own lawyer. A man has to defend his thoughts when he thinks he is right. In most circumstances people who you live with or work with do not agree with what you think may be right. What do you do? You attempt to explain why things should be your way. But this does not mean that if you never have your way you are a bad lawyer. You are just an individuals and sometimes questing “why is the leaf green”, isn’t the best question to ask. I would term such an individual is an adjusting kind of a person. One has to change as change is constant and it is the only food for survival. Why do you think dinosaurs are extinct?
Nor does it mean that if you have your way with everybody you’re a great lawyer of yourself. In such circumstances you could be happy but people around may not be holding any good opinions about you.

What is needed is a balanced approach with everything. One can be traditional yet liberal; like you can be a mother even though you are a man!!! :)

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